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Everyone wondered

Through the Fire and Smoke

It took us another 36 hours to get close to the survivors as we got closer to the area the dead were almost non existant but we would soon get an explaination for that

We emerged in the Jeep through the woods on a steep hill

It was 6pm and we were half a mile away from the survivors camp

All the dead in the area seem to have gathered around their fortress the cars were stacked 10 high on all sides they were holding but their was no way out

We radioed Kane and were ordered to act immediatley he would inform the survivors what we were going to attempt to do

We worked quickly setting up the fire works at the top of the hill tieing the fuses together so we could set off large amounts with less effort

We got back in the Jeep and sped down the hill at such a speed I thought we would turn over

We reached the bottom and headed towards the sea of undead I reached into the back and pulled out a megaphone Jonturned on the radio The warrior boomed loudly as the 1st few dead started to pay attention I stuck my head out of the sun roof "Hello Manchester how are you this evening?" It seemed that thousands of undead eyes turned at once with disbelief to what they were seeing I looked at Jon "Switch to the stuff that will really piss them off

Jon laughed the warrior stopped playing and The Spice Girls Tell me what you want boomed out

A great moan came from the crowd and they advanced "Told you it would work" I shouted to Jon to make myself heard "Yeah but will we survive it?" "I would take my chances with the dead rather than the Spice girls" Jon burst in to hysterics

We drove round the entire compound with the music and megaphone like the pied paper with a tale of undead following "Hello Sir you look hungry this evening would you like a snack? Follow us! And you and you er not you it look's like you have had enough! No shoes no shirt no arms no legs no brains we will still serve you come on" After about 10 mins we started to back up to the hill the dead following us the radio crackled "Boys?" "Yes Boss what can we do for you" "Is that the Spice Girls?" "Yes Sir we decided to use the WMD enticement wouldnt you chase us to turn that crap off?" Kane chuckled "The commander is reporting that large numbers of the undead are moving away from the wall the plan is when enough have moved away they are going to evacuate to other safe locations you just need to kee them away" "Got it boss we are just about to set off the fireworks" "Good luck" "Please Boss it's us" "Hmm" He hung up

The dead were now closing in on the base of the hill so we headed up I jumped out and ran to the fire works setting off huge piles of them

The sky erupted with rockets and flashes as I jumped back in and we sped back down the hill and 200 metres ahead of the closes dead the fire works would lure the dead closer to us they would see the car then pursue us the undead behind would follow their friends due to there instinct "Come on people we don't have all night come get us?" I blared through the megaphone, the undead continued forward. 

We lured the undead through several fields about 6 miles from the stronghold

Jon had periodacly thrown out more fireworks to keep their attenton, the radio crackled "The commander informs me they are starting the evacuation how are things their boy's?" I pulled out the map and checked our location "Er we can lure them away for another 3 miles easily  boss after that we could end up backed into a corner against the river if they keep going their current speed you have about an hour and a half to get everyone out before we need to leave" "O.K good work contact me if anything changes" "No prob" 

Nothing changed that night my voice was horse from shouting down the mega phone the dead continued to follow and eventually we got confirmation that the survivors had escaped we left the fields and the undead and sped off so the horde could not follow.

We were in high spirits on our way home we were hero's Kane and Stan both been in contact to congratulate us and added they hope we would see sense and return to Hastings

We said we would see but 1st we needed to stop home.


We pulled up outside the flat's something was wrong the reinforced door was open

We entred and closed the door behind us Jon had the handgun Stan had given us before we left

We entred the 1st floor their had been a battle here bullett holes every where bodies undead and human were on the floor I recognised a few from the court house they had attacked whilst we were gone

We cleared the floor all dead no one we knew

I gave Jon a boost up to the next floor and he helped me up

We kicked open the door to Jack's workshop everything was as we left it but no one was here

There were a few more bodies all human and had been shot in the head

The cupboard that had linked the floors where the staircase had been was now gone so we had to jump across Jon went 1st I took my jump I stumbled but Jon grabbed hold of my coat and helped steady me "Cheer's dude" "No worries" "What the hell happened?" "I counted at least 78 people at the court house and I counted 36 human bodies here and some of the zombies I recognise from there to could be at least 50 of them" "So what they attacked we shot a few they turned and started killing each other?" "Maybe" "Well maybe everyone is up here" "I rang Toby's phone no response Ty's phone no response


We had to force the door open as there was a body behind it

We checked it

He was from the court

51? We cleared the room's from left to right Janes room was a mess blood and more bodies Duke jumped out and ran towards us scared out of his mind he started to bark "Shh" Jon soothed him we poured Duke some water and food and continued on with our search Lara's room empty no sighns of struggle Toby and Jenna's room empty Ty and Jons room empty the social flat empty apart from Clio and Riley they were scared and hungry we fed them and moved on to the last room

I slowly opened the door the room was a mess blood and the stench of death was everywhere the bedroom was clear as was the bathroom

We made our way down the short corridor to the front room

We opened the door Jenna and Lara had their back's to us they were kneeling over a body "Hey guy's" I called out

They stopped what they were doing and turned this was not Jenna and Lara anymore the moans escaped into the air as they got up and staggered towards us "Oh no" Jon said nothing he shot both of them between the eyes and they fell

We checked the body they were feeding on not one of our's his chest had been cracked open and the innardds scooped out

I ran to the bathroom and puked Jon quickly followed by vomiting in the bath

We covered the bodies and tried Toby and Ty's phone again we found their phones in there respective room's "Tom look at this" Jon called from the bathroom in his room

I wandered in on the bathroom mirror written in what looked like lipstick


We searched the flats for anything useful but it looked like anything good had been taken we put Duke on the lead and Clio and Riley in a cardboard box we left the hell hole and drove round the corner and parked up next to the Fiesta it was still here good sign

We headed down the hidden back alley to our house we got to the back door Ty was looking out a small gap in the curtains he opened the door and we came in

We did the usual bite check and after hugs etc Jack and Jane came running down the stairs for more hugs and kisses from Jane not jack who settle for a firm handshake "Where's Toby?" "Upstairs"Jane replied "Is he O.K?" I moved towards the stairs he's not hurt but he's upset over what happened to Jenna" I looked at the floor I was ashamed that part of me was relieved that I would not have to tell him about that

Jon took charge "O.K everone upstairs time for a chat" Toby' was in my room sat on the bed he barely noticed when we entered I reached under my bed and pulled out a bottle of whiskey I had left behind just in case we ended up lback here in a situation like this I took a swig passed it to Jon and so forth as Ty and Jack went to get the pet's from the car

Jane began to talk

24 Hours earliear

"Let him in" Ty called out

Jane pressed the button near the entrance the metal door swung open and Toby came through carrying an inconcious man on his shoulder's

He was bleeding heavily Toby dropped him to the floor "Theirs 3 more come on guy's" Toby pulled 2 more dishevelled men through and slammed the door shut

All men were examined for bites and passed

The bloodied man died soon after arrival Toby made sure he didn't get back up

That night the survivors sat down for dinner "So where did you guys come from?" Toby asked

The man who introduced himself as Fred put down his tin of beans and wiped his mouth with his hand "Maidstone we holed up in a block of flats like this until the supplies ran out then we went on the run we headed here and ran into a group of people near the court's we thought they were friendly then well they well you saw what they did to Matt poor bastard we ran and we bumped in to you guy's" "Yeah we have had a few problems with them as well" Another man Kieran chimed in "So is this all of you?" "No there are more of us but they are away at the moment" Ty said "Huh how long they been gone?" "A few day's" "They could be dead you know" "They are not" Toby banged his fist on the table "How do you know?" Kieran said spooning more beans into his mouth "I spoke to them this morning they will be back tomorrow" "Oh O.K then and they will decide if we can stay?" "Yeah it's up to them" "O.K do you think they will say yes?" Toby continues to glare at the 2 men "I'm sure they will" Lara said "Oh er good thank's for the beans guy's" "Your welcome" "All right time for bed guys Tom and Jon will be back soon we want to make sure we are up in time to let them in"


Lara and Jenna were on watch that night sitting in armchairs next to the steel door Toby and Ty would be down in 20mins to take over they were tired and about to nod off they didnt notice the danger behind them

Kieran and Fred had made their way down the stairs dropping to the floor Jenna and Lara were chatting about Hastings and what they would hope would be there all of this and everything was cut short blades pierced the back of their chairs blood soaked into the fabric a small whimper and it was all over their eyes closed for the last time death came

Fred withdrew his knife and walked over to the door and hit the button to open the door Kieran spoke into a phone and hung up "They will be here in 25" "Fine" "Don't feel bad we had to do it" "What about Matt? Did the boss have to do that to him?" "It got us in didn't it?"


Men ran into the lobby the raid had already developed into a shambles they had not been quiet on their way to the flats a crowd of undead were attracted and had started attacking as they exited their vehicles they were running into the lobby mainly to avoid being devoured

They slammed the door shut on their comrades

Above the bangs and shout's a gun shot rang out the top of Kieran's head flew off and he dropped to the floor another shot and another

Toby had the carbine on the top floor and was picking them off one by one

The men panicked half made their way towards the broken stair cases and seeked shelter in the side corridor they found none Jack was their with the shotgun he mercilssly put them down

The other half attempted to escape back out the door only to be swarmed by the undead waiting outside for themthe living and the undead clashed in a confined space Toby stopped firing allowing the dead to do their work

After an hour the living were gone the dead were all  that were left

Ty and Jane came running down with packed up supplies more dead could arrive any second it was time to go they headed downstairs and saw what was in thearmchairs

They carried the 2 upstairs andlaid them down the others left and Toby waited waited for them to turn

Lars woke up slightly quicker looking at Toby and got up from the floor

He aimed the rifle he couldn't do it he left the room in his way was a man Fred still alive he looked shocked

Toby grabbed him punched him in the mouth and kneed him in the balls and threw him into the room with the girls shutting the door behind him his screams made him feel a little better he gathered up a few last supplies and headed to meet the other's. 

I handed the bottle for Toby to finish no one spoke we were silent until I spoke "That's it" "What is?" Ty asked

"No more hiding reasoning and tricking we wipe them out or they wipe us out get ready for war"     


